About Us Motto: The School Philosophy

Motto: The School Philosophy

Motto of the school

Let your light shine with strength wisdom and knowledge.

The motto of the school is strength wisdom and knowledge, for this, school strives continuously to develop students into responsible citizens and  focuses on all round development of the students and create optimistic attitude and approach in them.

Strength is the first ingredient of our Motto where we focus on the students to be strong mentally and physically to face the challenges of life by adopting continuous learning, collaboration, empathy and problem solving skills.

On the other hand wisdom enables students to reflect critically, discern truth and to make informed judgments to pick the right options of the two. Wisdom also develops a broader perspective and resilience to face the challenges with equanimity and grace. As educators, we hold a great responsibility in imparting such education.

Children are born with God gifted senses and we impart knowledge In continuation to enhance them, knowledge also makes students much aware and well informed.

By the knowledge they become confident in understanding the subject potentially with the ability to  use it for specific purpose.

So, to fulfil this Motto,  we are committed to our students as well as community to bring a changes to make them responsible successful enthusiastic and innovative as well as sympathetic human beings in their lives.

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